I was Sick; down & out with Severe Fever
Well i was really sick last week or so.I was suffering from severe fever and this time in my whole life i experienced what actual pain is! I was left so weak in 2 days time that i felt it difficult to move my even my eyelids not talking of walking or sitting. I felt so lifeless that I once prayed let this be the end of my life and get rid of this agonising world.
I would wake up at 9 am ,would have my breakfast that also to take medicines(i didn't want to eat anything still forcibly).Then I try to sit or watch TV but could not do it for more than 10 minutes and hence I would again go and sleep till 2 pm.Then i would wake up again and have some lunch(which was about 1/10 th the quantity i usually take) and then take medicine.Then I would make up my mind that now i will not sleep. And now my pain would start. I will not sleep even if i would be in great pain.My whole body starting from forehead till my toe would ache like someone hitting me with a hammer. I would not like to sit,to walk and watch TV neither.Then I would start playing Cricket 2004(computer game;not outdoor) on my laptop. At 6 pm i would again sleep till 9 pm. This is the period i would shiver with cold like someone is pouring Icewater on me. At dinner i would not eat anything as i was not able to take in anything for prolonged phases of not anything.Now i would think of those poor children who sleep empty stomach at nights almost everywhere in India.Again i would sleep and pray to God that i will get well soon.
After 5 days of extreme weakness i recovered to about 50%.But this painful experience had shown me the pains,the agony of those poor people who would be left sick and also with hunger suffering like anything.Even rich people suffer but their suffering is short-lived(like in my case:4-5 days only).
Just think of months of painful irritating moments of many people.....
Well now i have made up my mind that I will be always at my heels for any fever
and let us all people donate something to the people trapped in hospitals(for their prolonged illness) and also something towards the pharmaceutical community of India where many scientists are looking forward for Govt for funds.But now i can say that some private players are emerging in this sector.
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